A live show taped for our fifth anniversary.
A live show taped for our fifth anniversary.
A story of self-deception, a story about deceiving others, and a story about accidental deception.
One day in a Chicago diner.
We look at a 1996 immigration law that is too obscure for most of us to have heard of, but which affects tens of thousands of lives in huge ways.
We go inside the back rooms of one multinational corporation and hear the intricate workings of how they put the fix in.
Stories of people who are trying to control how they'll be seen by generations to come.
Does anyone's family ever change?
David Sedaris takes Ira on a tour of his favorite spots in Paris.
Crime scenes and the stories they tell.
Stories of people who stand up alone for what's right, damn the consequences.
David Foster Wallace reports on a turning point in the 2000 presidential primary.
Stories of people who tell a lie and then believe the lie more than anyone else does.
Exactly how much are the animals that live in our home caught up in everyday family dynamics?
In the hospital, we're in a place that has its own rules and its own language and its own customs.