3: Poultry Slam 1995 Dec. 1, 1995 Act Five Writer David Sedaris tells of the giddiness he felt when he purchased a taxidermy turkey head — attached to its foot.
4: Vacations Dec. 8, 1995 Act Three Contributor David Sedaris tells a story about discovering the possibilities—and pitfalls—of travel by hitchhiking.
3: Poultry Slam 1995 Dec. 1, 1995 Act Four Verda Mae Grosvenor, host of NPR's Seasonings, shows Ira how to tell a chicken is done simply by listening the sound of the grease.
6: Christmas Dec. 22, 1995 Act One A Christmas tree story by Chicago playwright/musician Beau O'Reilly.
3: Poultry Slam 1995 Dec. 1, 1995 Act One When Danielle's family serves poultry at their dinner table, no one utters the word "chicken." Instead, it is always called "fish." Danielle explains why with the help of her friend "Duki." (20 minutes)